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January 03, 2014


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Mark Traid

Brilliant Insight !
and for what its worth the game of Risk hold many keys to better understanding life.
keep up the great blogging in 2014

Gus Uyenco

This article could not be anymore timely and significant for me at this stage in my IT career! I can't wait to read what's next.

Mabelys Rodriguez

I will share your document. I am passing to something like that.


Mabelys Rodriguez EMC-ELLIT

Muthukumar S

Hi Steve, Great write up. Definitely I will inculcate innovation skills. Thanks a lot for your valuable share.


Risk is a great game but not a model I can follow. What happens in our house is at some point my wife & I engage in mutually assured destruction leaving one of the kids to clean up ... or perhaps I should learn to play Risk better :-)

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