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May 15, 2009


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Andrea Meyer

Thanks for your informative post, Steve. And you're right on target with the value of innovation by contest. In fact, Wharton professor Karl Ulrich just published (May 14) a book called Innovation Tournaments!

Steve Todd

Thanks Andrea! Jeff also wrote a post today which resonates with me: companies should make innovation fun, and contests fit right in with his thinking:



Bob Warfield

Cool idea!

Jerome Breche

Innovation by contest is a very interesting concept to help cross time zones and prevent "geographic isolation" from becoming "idea isolation."

I'd be really interested in your feedback on www.timzon.com, a tool with similar purpose: to help global teams collaborate through recorded video conversations.

That communication, enhanced with other functionality such as white boarding, is designed to create a face-to-face like experience but on your own time.

I'll be thinking about how the contest concept might fit within the concept as well.

Thank you for the excellent post!


Steve, thanks for sharing your pep talk today! innovation be contest is a concept that sticks.

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