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January 30, 2008


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I like your blog it's very nice to see an actual engineer have one, especially one as accomplished as you.

I have a few questions:

How are DIBS employed on the Symmetrix?
Has anyone ever lost any data on a Clariion?
NetApps use Filesystem-based RAID, not a great way of doing RAID but would you know if they lost any customer data?

Thanks for the great blog!!

Steve Todd

Hi Terry,

Thanks for the comment. Certainly there have been CLARiiON customers that have experienced the failure of two or more disk drives in their RAID configuration. In these cases it is not possible to read data from failed drives because of the multiple failures, and a restore from backup becomes necessary.

As for the Symm and NetApp questions, I don't know the answers, and wouldn't want to speculate!


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